Our Substitute
The message begins by exploring Romans 3, focusing on the grace of God. The speaker emphasizes that grace is often under-taught in churches or misunderstood as a license for sin. Grace, however, is not permission to sin but a gift that should inspire believers to live in response to God’s goodness. Christians should live as though they could repay God, not to earn forgiveness but out of gratitude for His grace.
The concept of repentance is clarified as more than an apology. Repentance requires genuine change and actions that reflect transformation, not merely feeling sorry. The text highlights Romans 3:24, which states believers are “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” This justification means believers are declared righteous—not pardoned for wrongdoing, but as if they had never sinned. The idea of justification contrasts with human notions of trying to “balance the scales” by doing good deeds to make up for sin. Instead, true reconciliation comes through repentance and faith.
The message also explains propitiation, described as Jesus being our substitute, taking our place on the cross to bear the penalty for sin. This substitution was more than physical suffering; it involved Jesus experiencing complete separation from God, which is described as the worst aspect of hell. Without God, there is no joy or goodness, and this separation highlights the seriousness of sin.
The speaker challenges believers to live as though they belong entirely to God, reflecting on the price Jesus paid. The story of a car sale is used as an analogy: when God “bought” us through Christ’s sacrifice, He owns every part of our lives. However, many believers hold back parts of their lives from God, making excuses for not fully committing. The call is to live with total dedication to God, recognizing that He deserves every part of our lives.
The message transitions to the practical application of grace. Grace is not an excuse to ignore God’s law; rather, it inspires believers to uphold it. The speaker uses the example of a sandwich to illustrate how we often try to serve God in ways that suit us rather than giving Him what He truly desires. This analogy underscores the importance of obeying God’s instructions, not seeking loopholes or acting based on personal preferences.
The biblical story of Cain and Abel is referenced to illustrate the consequences of offering God what we think is acceptable instead of what He requires. Abel’s sacrifice of a lamb, though painful and costly, pleased God, while Cain’s offering of fruits and vegetables, though impressive by human standards, was rejected because it did not align with God’s command.
The message concludes by emphasizing that justification comes through faith, not through adherence to the law or human efforts. Faith, defined as trust, is the foundation of a believer’s relationship with God. True Christianity is not measured by external deeds but by the extent to which a believer yields to God’s grace and lives in close relationship with Him.
Believers are encouraged to serve God wholeheartedly, not out of obligation but out of love and gratitude for the grace they have received. The message ends with a reminder that Jesus, as our propitiation, took the punishment for our sins, allowing us to live in freedom and grace. In response, Christians are called to dedicate their lives to serving and glorifying God, striving to please Him in every aspect of their lives.