Rejection, Reimbursement, Repentance
The message focuses on the transformative power of the Gospel as described in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, emphasizing humanity’s inability to achieve righteousness through personal efforts and the sufficiency of Christ’s redemptive work.
The preacher begins by highlighting the common saying, “the first is the worst,” using humor and relatable anecdotes to ease into the solemn topic of sin and justification. Drawing from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, the message paints a vivid picture of the pervasive sinfulness in Corinth—a city steeped in immorality due to its cultural and economic diversity. This serves as a mirror for humanity’s own sinful nature.
Humanity’s Universal Problem with Sin
The sermon delves into Paul’s list of vices in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, describing them as a dagger to the heart, exposing every individual’s guilt before God. The preacher asserts that this guilt is not limited to overt sins but extends to internal thoughts and hidden faults, pointing to Christ’s teaching that even sinful thoughts equate to transgressions.
The core problem is humanity’s tendency to address sin in one of three ways:
1. Rebellion: Denying God’s existence and moral authority, choosing to live as if there is no higher standard of right and wrong.
2. Reimbursement: Attempting to balance sin with good deeds, as seen in many religious systems that depend on works-based salvation.
3. Repentance: The only solution, acknowledging the need for God’s grace and turning fully to Christ for salvation.
The Injustice of the Gospel
The preacher explains that the “injustice” lies not in God’s actions but in His grace, which offers salvation to unworthy sinners. The Gospel calls sinners to repentance, offering justification and sanctification through Christ’s finished work. Justification, the preacher notes, is more than forgiveness—it declares believers innocent, clothing them in Christ’s righteousness so that God no longer sees their sins.
A Warning Against Works-Based Salvation
Using examples from various religions, including Roman Catholicism, the preacher critiques the futility of works-based salvation. He compares it to trying to climb an endless ladder or gasping for air in a deep pool. Humanity’s best efforts, described as “filthy rags,” fall short of God’s perfect standard.
The Transformative Power of Grace
The preacher shifts focus to the hope found in verse 11: “And such were some of you.” This statement reminds believers of their past imperfection and the present perfection offered through Christ. Salvation is a divine work, where God replaces a heart of stone with a heart of flesh, sanctifies the believer, and justifies them as His perfect child.
Application and Reflection
The sermon challenges Christians to reflect on their own salvation, recognizing that it is entirely a work of God’s grace. Believers cannot boast in their righteousness, for their justification is solely through Christ. The message concludes with a hymn, “Complete in Thee,” underscoring the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice.